Team Contact Form You need to complete this form once for each of your association's teams.YOUR Name YOUR Email Your association —Please choose an option—AuburnCamillusCenter StateClintonCortlandECFultonGenevaIthacaLysanderNew HartfordOswegoRomeSalmon RiverSkaneatelesSouthern TierValleyWatertownWhitestownWhich team are you entering team contact information for? Note: If you have 2+ teams in an age level, the "1" team is your STRONGEST team. —Please choose an option—Auburn 10U GoldAuburn 12UCamillus 10U GoldCamillus 1 10UCamillus 2 10UCamillus 1 12UCamillus 2 12UCamillus 14UCamillus 18UCenter State 10U GoldCenter State 10UCenter State 12UCenter State 14UCenter State 18UClinton 1 10UClinton 2 10UClinton 12UCortland 10U GoldCortland 1 10UCortland 2 10UEC 10U GoldEC 10UEC 12UEC 18UFulton 10UFulton 12UFulton 14UFulton 18UGeneva 10UIthaca 1 10UIthaca 2 10UIthaca 12UIthaca 14UIthaca 18ULysander 10U GoldLysander 1 10ULysander 2 10ULysander 3 10ULysander 12ULysander 18UNew Hartford 10UOswego 1 10UOswego 2 10UOswego 12URome 1 10URome 2 10USalmon River 1 10USalmon River 2 10USalmon River 12USalmon River 14USalmon River 18USkaneateles 10U GoldSkaneateles 1 10USkaneateles 2 10USkaneateles 14USouthern Tier 1 10USouthern Tier 2 10USouthern Tier 14UValley 10U GoldValley 1 10UValley 2 10UValley 3 10UValley 12UWatertown 1 12UWatertown 2 12UWatertown 3 12UWatertown 1 14UWatertown 2 14UWhitestown 1 10UWhitestown 2 10UWhitestown 1 12UWhitestown 2 12UWhitestown 14U Team Contact Name Team Contact E-mail Team Contact Phone (Preferably Mobile) Notes (Leave blank in most cases) (After clicking Send, please scroll down to ensure you see a Success message.) Δ