Thruway Series Game Result Reporting

Chrome is recommended for the best experience. If you experience any issues, problems, or confusion you can contact [email protected] for assistance

    General Info

    Your Name *

    Your Email *

    Your Association *
    Which association do you represent?

    Age Level *

    Date of Game *

    Home Team Info

    Home Team Name *

    Home Team Score *

    Home Team Penalty Minutes *
    [group null]Please select the age level and teams above.[/group][group sq]0 - 34+[/group][group pw]0 - 77:30+[/group][group bt]0 - 1314+[/group]

    Away Team Info

    Away Team Name *

    Away Team Score *

    Away Team Penalty Minutes *
    [group null]Please select the age level and teams above.[/group][group sq-away]0 - 34+[/group][group pw-away]0 - 77:30+[/group][group bt-away]0 - 1314+[/group]

    Additional Comments

    Any additional comments may be placed here. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

    Don't forget to upload a picture of your game sheet using the Thruway Series Upload form.

    Confirmation or error messages will appear below the line once the process is done. Please make sure you get an affirmative message after clicking Send.