
JAM Schedules

JAM schedules can be found on the JAM page, and on the pages for each individual JAM tournament.

Snowbelt League Schedules

NOTICE – This game information (date/time/location) is only as accurate as the information relayed to the league scheduler. It falls on each team/association to confirm their weekend games. The league is not responsible for missed games due to lack of weekly game confirmation. DO NOT rely on this schedule as a confirmation of game.
FYI: Schedules and Standings are fully updated by Tuesday morning according to the game results that are submitted on time.

Report game scores onΒ Sunday night after each weekend. At the very latest report all scores by noon on Monday.Β To report games, use theΒ Game Reporting Form.
If you have issues using the form or entering the password, e-mail the Snowbelt Scheduler.

WHITE copy of game sheet must be received digitally or in the mail within ONE (1) week of date played. Forfeits and fines are given for missing game sheets after two weeks.

Sheets can be submitted via the Game Sheet Upload Form or by mailing the sheets in. Send game sheets to:
Snowbelt Hockey
c/o Scott Jesmore
7300 Cedar Post Rd Apt J14
Liverpool, NY 13088